Church Membership

Support your spiritual growth by becoming a member of First Church of Christ, Scientist West Palm Beach

Church membership is an important way to share and find support for your spiritual journey with other sincere students of Christian Science. It also involves participation in the democratic governance of the branch church, and opportunities to support various church activities.
Ask an usher for an application or to learn more.

Learn more about the blessings of church by listening to this Christian Science Sentinel podcast about one woman’s experiences of participating in and being blessed by church.
This episode's interview guest discovered a warm and wonderful community that didn't judge her and supported her spiritual growth. That community was church. Get ready to rethink your sense of church!


"We'd love to help support your spiritual growth"

Read one writer’s explanation of how being part of church enriches your study of Christian Science.


"There was sincerity of Christly love for anyone who walked in the doors that was tangible, and it healed."